Industrial motherboards typically refer to motherboards designed for use in industrial applications rather than consumer use. They are built to be more robust and reliable, capable of withstanding harsher environments, extended operating temperatures, and often have features that cater to specific industrial needs such as multiple serial ports, GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) headers, and support for industrial protocols.
The 3.5-inch motherboard measures approximately 146 x 102 mm and 165 x 115 mm, making it ideal for space-constrained applications.Designed to withstand harsh conditions, these motherboards can operate in wide temperature ranges and are resistant to shock and vibration.Typically equipped with multiple I/O ports, including USB, serial, Ethernet, and sometimes HDMI or VGA.Can support various processors from low-power Atom CPUs to more powerful Intel Core or AMD Ryzen Embedded processors.Often includes expansion slots such as mini-PCIe or mSATA for additional connectivity or storage options.Designed to consume low power, making them suitable for battery-operated or remote applications.